Tuesday 8 September 2015


“You don’t write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say.” F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Dear Reader,

Welcome to my blog! My name is Yad Selvakumar and I am currently a post-graduate economics student at the London School of Economics. As a former macro-research analyst at a large investment bank, my main focus (and interests) naturally involved macroeconomics and financial markets.
Pre-2007, financial markets were more or less considered by central bankers as a consequence of, rather than a input into, macroeconomic policy decision making. That is, the belief of efficient markets ran through the psyche of the Federal Reserve, causing large imbalances stemming from financial markets to be somewhat ignored. The Great Recession though, has taught us that the constant feedback loop between the economy and financial markets is incredibly important and requires very close attention. It is within this context that I hope to provide, in this blog, some insight into the world of economics and financial markets through the lens of economic history, theory and thought. Specifically, the majority of posts will discuss monetary policy issues - an area of special interest to me.

I hope to make this blog accessible to readers with a general interest in economics as well as economic students like myself. With this in mind, I will endeavour not to use economic jargon that so many commentators  love dearly. But when the situation leaves me no choice, I will try to explain them in layman’s terms. Finally in a nod to the Scott Fitzgerald quotation above, I pledge not to write for the sake of writing, but to write only when I feel I have something useful to contribute. For that reason I choose not to predetermine the frequency of my posts, instead defining them as “periodical”.

So, with the admin stuff done - here we go. Thank you for joining me on this journey, let’s make it a good one!

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